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If you want to know about new and improved paths on the journey through life, you’re in the right spot.

In the modern age, there is so much information, it’s difficult to know what to believe. And then there is contradicting information on nearly everything, leaving us utterly confused.

We may also find our knowledge clashing with what others are saying, but we know it’s correct. But maybe something changed that we didn’t know. Or maybe it’s the others who still believe outdated information. Just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s right. Or maybe everyone’s correct, and it all comes down to perspective.

It’s a confusing mess of opinions, beliefs, and outdated information out there. Not only that, but it’s also becoming more important that we work this mess out. HELP!

This blog is about making sense of it all.

We can explore areas like:

  • Challenge commonly accepted truths
  • Introduce new ideas or concepts
  • Consider the changing world

This blog isn’t about telling you what to do.

You won’t be told to: get up at 4 am, make your bed, meditate for 30 minutes, and exercise for an hour. You may finish work at midnight, your partner may be sleeping at 4 am, and you might prefer to meditate and exercise in the evenings, if at all. Waking up at 4 am, just may not suit your lifestyle.

You control the paths you go down, this blog only introduces new and alternate paths, the selection is your choice. And that’s where I come in, as an explorer sharing my findings.


To introduce myself, I’m Daniel Johnston, an Australian living in Dubai. I have a history in IT, and from it became used to constant change. This also made me more inquisitive in other areas of my life, such as fitness, finance, education, and self-improvement in general.

My world got turned upside down in 2018 when I took a massive leap from Australia to Dubai. As part of the move three major things happened:

1.      I sold everything

Selling my possessions, and living a minimalistic lifestyle, combined with my investment returns, put me in a good financial situation. My finances continued to strengthen and then working became optional.

I’m in my mid-thirties, and typically another thirty working years ahead, and I don’t have to work. I’m not a millionaire with a Ferrari and a mansion. But could retire.

2.      I moved to Dubai

Moving to Dubai and travelling opened up my view of cultural differences and it showed me a lot of people struggle, especially financially. I want to help others as I too have struggled financially, and it was self-improvement that was able to get me out of the hole to where I am now.

I believe self-development is an important part of overcoming obstacles in any environment. And I’m privileged to have a lot of opportunities to experiment with myself, and there may be information in my results that can help others.

3.      I had a managerial role

Starting a managerial role sped up my change dramatically. Through seeing my improvement, self-development became a passion of mine. I made progress quickly but was no closer to being able to help others, I had to change.

My change

If I wanted to help others, I needed to develop my communication skills and share my findings.

So here I am, an introvert opening up, sharing my lessons learnt, and alternate paths found, in the hope of inspiring others, to have an improved journey through life.