Self-development through different skills.
Self-development is an essential part of being the best we can be. In the modern age not only is it important, but we also need to achieve progress quickly. We can do this by targeting certain areas that are most beneficial for us. These may be in areas we haven’t considered, or are avoiding. We typically work on our strengths which is incredibly valuable. But if something is limiting us, developing it can produce even better results. To work out what may be hindering us, we need to shift to a broader view of self-improvement.
Broader view of self-development
There is no limit to the number of areas we can develop, but over time our scope becomes narrower due to false beliefs. We may think we are bad with money and will always struggle, so we avoid anything to do with finances. But what if we are wrong. Many people have gone from being broke to millionaires. We could be the next ones. Becoming a millionaire might seem far stretched, but even a small improvement in this area could have a significant impact. On the other hand, avoiding it entirely isn’t going to help at all.
There may also be an area outside our vision, hampering us significantly. Our Limited knowledge in this area can make us unaware that it’s a problem. For example, if we consider a senior accountant named Paul. He produces good results, and always helps the junior staff. Improving his accounting skills seems the logical choice to improve his performance at work. Unknown to Paul, the junior staff think he is arrogant. They don’t put in much effort, as he always finds fault with their work, and lectures them on how it should be done. Paul doesn’t know his underdeveloped communication skills, are impacting everybody’s performance. Now his view has enlarged, and a key area for self-development recognized. He now has the challenging task of extending his comfort zone.
Comfort zones.
Stretching our comfort zones seems daunting, the good news is, when we do, it gets easier. When we do something that puts us out of our comfort zone, next time we do the same thing, it’s much easier. This allows us to then extend even further. For example, we could consider the fear of public speaking. We could start small with delivering a speech to one person, then ten, a hundred, a thousand, a million. Each step would be uncomfortable, but manageable as our comfort zone has increased.
We can also stretch in other ways, by doing different things that cause us discomfort. We could decide to travel, start exercising, or buy some stocks. Each can be stretching our comfort zone in different ways, which increases our capabilities, giving us more room for movement. We can consider our comfort zones to be similar to being enclosed in a fenced yard. Whenever we approach or even jump the fence, that area expands and becomes part of our yard. We can repeat this process as many times as we like, to increase the overall size. Any way we choose to extend will be beneficial. But in the modern age, not only is increasing our comfort zone important, but we should also develop quickly.
Self-development speed
To develop as quickly as possible, we can consider a new or underdeveloped area. As we know very little, we experience a steep learning curve. The lack of understanding pushes us to absorb information quickly. We retain a lot even if overwhelmed. We won’t instantly become experts, but we can make much progress.
On the other hand, when we know a subject well, we learn more specific information about it. While our knowledge is increasing, it is slower, as we already know much about the subject. It’s still important, but overall it’s difficult to match the pace of learning something new. There is another positive, we may discover we like the area we have been avoiding.
The joy of new development
Once we start developing a new or weak area, it is uncomfortable initially, but can be incredibly rewarding later on. The hard part is starting, which we have done. As we continue learning, our confidence and knowledge grow rapidly, increasing our comfort levels. We also realize that having conquered one area, we could do the same again in others, building our self-confidence. It may be surprising that developing one area, could simultaneously improve another area.
Other impacts.
When we develop an area, it can positively impact other parts of our life. We don’t normally foresee this as they seem unrelated, but there is usually a hidden link. It’s like finding a new friend through a colleague of yours. It wasn’t expected or planned, but now you are all connected. These links build on each other, small amounts initially, but over time they add up and become significant. Before we know it, developing one area has improved other aspects of our life.
For example, if we had been following a diet and exercise plan for a few months. Then we unexpectedly get a promotion at work. Fitness isn’t required to perform our job. But the increase in fitness has also improved our concentration and productivity. We now reap the benefits of not only being healthier, and mentally sharper, we are financially better off too. Overall improving one area has flow-on effects, positively impacting other areas, creating a better version of ourselves.
A better version of our self.
We can always develop ourselves. Even if we are happy now, who is to say that we couldn’t be happier. Self-improvement is a key part of bringing out the best in us. In the modern age, both self-development and the speed in which we improve is important. We can stay relevant by keeping our options open, and targeting specific areas for the best results, even if it’s uncomfortable. This might be terrifying initially, but as we push through, it can become enjoyable, and result in significant progress.